Nawiliwili, Kauai

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This is Deb and a peacock at Smith's Tropical Garden and Luau Ceremony. It was fun to watch the bird strut around and it actually seemed to do a little dance backing up. Before the show, we performed a renewal of our marriage vows. Unfortunately, we ended with NO pictures or video of the event. But we did get pictures of the show by "Famous Hawaiian Singer" Larry Rivera. Famous maybe, but AltaVista only got two hits.
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Larry's wife is performing an authentic Hawaiian dance. Her moves were very flowing and smooth. Yes, that is me that got sucked into the show. Somehow, I got nailed, I mean spotted, by Larry.
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The routine included twirling balls on ropes about two feet long. The girl in the yellow dress was very good at this.As you can see, I was not so good and got my balls tangled up. The girl made it look so easy!
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Always the showman (showoff?) and happy to participate, they made me get down on the floor and twirl. Was this supposed to be my 5 minutes of fame and glory?Somehow, my performance was judged as the best by the audience, by a large margin. My prize was a phono album (not PHOTO) produced by Larry. I am still trying to figure out how to get it in my car CD player so I can listen to the music.
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We are at the end of this day's tour, and the boat still looks huge.I just can't seem to get enough of this mid-ship atrium.
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Debbie relaxing, and me still playing with my new camera in the atrium.Leaving port and passing through the breakwater barrier, I did not realize it was curved until we passed it.
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Goodby Kauai. As we traveled, a new point of land would appear. I got four of them here, but two more appeared after I took this picture.
Kona is next